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AFCMA 2024

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Submission Guidelines

Abstract Submission Deadline: September 30, 2024

Abstract Submission Deadline:
September 30, 2024

  • Submitted abstracts will be reviewed by the Scientific Program Committee.
  • Please read the guidelines carefully before submitting your abstract.
  • Form of Presentation : Poster Presentation ONLY
    • File Format : Print out / On-site Exhibition
    • Language: English
    • Poster Size: within 90cm (width) x 120cm (height)

Steps for Submission

submission step1 Step 1.

Fill out the Abstract Submission Form (MS Word file)

  • Author & Corresponding Author Information
  • Abstract Body
submission step2Step 2.

Check with ‘Sample of Completed Abstract’

submission step3Step 3.

E-mail us. (

  • Please put [Abstract Submission] in front of the e-mail title and send your abstract as an attached file.
submission step4Step 4.

An acceptance notification will be sent to you via e-mail.

Please follow these guidelines carefully
  • All abstracts must be submitted via e-mail only.
  • All abstracts must be written in clear English.
  • The topic can be related to the main theme, subtheme or Free theme, Appropriate content for the activities of Catholic doctors.
  • It is the responsibility of the authors to ensure that their text does not contain typos or grammatical errors.
  • Abstract titles should be brief and reflecting the content of the abstract.
  • All articles should contain a brief, clear statement of the background (aims, methods, results and conclusions) of your work.
  • Abstracts should not exceed 200 words.
  • Please make sure to fill in the correct contact phone number, mobile phone number (only for Korean) and E-mail address of the presenters.
  • Tables and images are permitted up to two files.
  • Presenting and corresponding author will receive a confirmation e-mail that your abstract(s) has been successfully submitted. If there is no confirmation letter after abstract submission, please contact the secretariat,
  • Abstract submission does not constitute registration for the conference and presenters are required to register for the conference separately.
  • All participants (including regular member, other participant) from LCD (Least Developed Countries) will have their registration fee waived if they submit an abstract.
    * LCD countries are determined based on the OECD's DAC List of ODA Recipients.
  • Students and graduate students from all countries will have their registration fee waived upon abstract submission.
    * The registration process through the website is mandatory.
Notification of Acceptance
  • All submitted abstracts will be reviewed by the Scientific Board according to standard review procedures.
  • Notification of acceptance will be sent by e-mail to presenting and corresponding author after September 2, 2024
Withdrawal of Abstracts
  • If the presenting author of an accepted abstract does not register by the pre-registration date, the abstract will be automatically withdrawn from the final program.
  • If you would like to withdraw an abstract, please notify the Secretariat, writing as soon as possible.

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Korean Federation of Catholic Medical Associations
  • Business License No. : 230-82-70573
  • President: Seung-Kew Yoon
  • Room 5214 (The Catholic University of Korea), #222, Banpodaero, Seocho-gu, Seoul, Korea
AFCMA 2024 Secretariat_Medioffice
  • 30, Bamgogae-ro 1-gil, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, Korea

Scientific Program & Abstract
  • Operating Hours: 10:00-17:00 (KST)